In purchasing The Happiness Hack curriculum, you agree to:
·     Keep all JLI course materials, documents, student booklets, audio, PowerPoint presentations, and marketing materials confidential, ensuring that they will be exclusively in the possession of and for the use of the subscribing school division. 
·     Restrict use of the branding, images, slogans, titles, and general graphics exclusively to teaching this curriculum. 
·     Purchase Student booklet sets for each participating student.
·     Not photocopy, copy or reproduce in any way any print or digital materials.
Your registration allows you to teach and use JLI materials only in your school and may not be shared with other divisions or affiliated schools. Other divisions, including those which regularly coordinate joint programming, must purchase a separate license.  Any unauthorized users of the materials will be billed retroactively. The subscriber who shared the materials agrees to cover the costs if not paid by the user.
The cost for The Happiness Hack 4-part curriculum license is $350.00 for a one year term per school. The package includes one Teacher’s License, Teacher’s Manual, access to Audio Visual Aides including PowerPoint Slides, Videos, and designed Social Media squares for one year. Student booklet sets are $10.00 per student. Additional Teacher’s Manuals are $100.00.
·     The curriculum can be taught by the amount of teacher’s licenses purchased.